photo's Rogier Fokke ©
click on the date for details
Versatile and self-taught guitarist Mark Tuinstra, grew up in a musical environment - his father was a drummer and his mother played the piano and guitar. At the age of five he took classical lessons on piano and after a few years he started drumming on an old kit of his father. Soon after the drums the bass guitar followed and at the age of 14 he started to play guitar in several local pop/rock bands. he studied artschool and graduated in journalism but the music grew too big and he turned professional musician 20 years ago .
His focus is wide, he loves jazz and free improv but also African and Indian music, and pop. This shows that Mark loves to play with others, only to PLAY; not restricted to any musical boundaries or conventions. This made him tour all over europe, Brazil, Guatemala, Turkey, Japan, Senegal, Egypt, jordan, beirut, Japan, South-Africa etc. In The Netherlands he played on festivals like Lowlands and the Musicmeeting and in numerous jazzvenues like the BIMhuis in Amsterdam.
Mark currently plays with Fakrutu (a trio with Sean Fasciani on bass and Stefan Kruger on drums), The Pelican Three, the Nordanians, and classic/electric/calypsoband dr.Jordan institute. Besides that he plays regularly with trumpetplayer Eric Vloeimans, and with siner Vera van der Poel. He regularly composes music for Dutch television and he has a studio at de Ceuvel in Amsterdam where he rehaerses and teaches guitar and bandcoaching.
I accept students for private lessons. Mostly intermediate and advanced levels. Mail or call for pricings and availability